Risk & Knowledge: A Brand Creation Case Study 


Risk & Knowledge, an insurance company based in Geneva, approached us for a new visual identity as well as a new website. 

In short

Graphic Design
Brand guide



Step 1: Discovery Session

This half-day workshop enables OneStop to gather comprehensive information about your project.

During the workshop, we explore:

  1. The Organization: We delve into your mission, vision, services, and more to understand the core of your organization.
  2. Your Ideal Clients: We create detailed personas to identify and understand your target audience.
  3. The Brand: We discuss what your brand represents, including key attributes, desired look and feel, and relevant keywords.


After the client approves the Discovery Session presentation, we have a clear understanding of your project, allowing us to proceed to the next phase.

Our guiding keywords for this project are: Security, Trust, Professionalism, Discretion, and Availability.

Step 2: Stylescapes

We provide the client with three directions to choose from to create the brand. We present these three directions as Stylescapes, curated moodboards with some custom made design elements to give the client a good idea of what their brand may look like.

Step 3: Logo Design

Once a brand direction has been chosen, we now have a clear idea of what the brand will look like. We can now design our logo. After a few iterations, we end up with the final logo in all of it’s forms.

Step 4: Full Visual Identity

A logo isn’t enough of course. We also need colours, typography, patterns, icons, business cards and so on. For our insurance broker, we chose a rich purple color, serif fonts, and topographical elements as a pattern to keep the overall feel professional.

Step 5: Website Creation

Creating a great website is no easy task. There are many steps to a great website, and they often include backend and frontend development, graphic design, photography, UI and UX processes, Search Engine Optimization, and more.

A sitemap gives us an overview of how many pages we need, as well as how they link with eachother.

Before designing anything, we make a wireframe to focus on the website layout.

OneStopComms SNC

Rue Montbrillant 28

1201, Geneva

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